Saturday, March 27, 2010


Over Spring Break, I traveled to Newberg, OR. The Sunday I was gone, the youth group at my church, Knollwood Church, led worship. I was quite upset that I was going to miss this wonderful experience, until I thought about using Skype. My brother has Skype on his computer, so they hooked the sound into his computer, and I was able to see and hear the worship service. Skype was messing up that day so the video is not the best quality, but I thought it was great that I could be there with my church. To capture the skype session, Dr. Strange introduced me to Screen Flow. Like Screen Capture, the program captures all movement that takes place on the screen. I loved using both programs, and with them I was able to make a video of the worship service. If you would like to listen in, I have included a link to the video. I hope you enjoy.

Knollwood Youth Group


John Hadley Strange said...


Jamie Lynn Martin said...

Thanks for all your help! I think it turned out quite well.

Jamie Lynn Martin said...
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