Thursday, January 14, 2010

Did You Know?

This video was extremely interesting. I had no idea that technology effected the world so drastically. I am amazed that China will soon be the #1 English speaking country in the world. All of the information given makes me really think about how the world is changing. It is quite unbelievable that just a few years ago the world did not have touch screen phones and other technological devices. I, myself, have a laptop, Zune, and Blackberry phone. Now that I own these things, I cannot live without them. It is almost impossible to live in this world and not know how to use technology; we are practically forced to succumb to this way of living.

My mother still has trouble with her cellphone and the Internet. It makes her life much more difficult. I love all the new technology because I understand how to use it. On the other hand, I do sympathize with the older generations. They learned how to work with their hands, while now we are being taught how to use our minds more. Yes, we are advanced and hold great improvements; however, my only concern is when times get bad, and as a country, we cannot provide for ourselves because we only know how to operate technology. While the world is changing and tremendously growing, I do agree that everyone needs to be able to operate these new devices to live an easier life. It is amazing how so many countries have made these great accomplishments, and the brilliance that penetrates from the people.

Mr. Winkle

"It was comforting to know, that even after 100 years, some things still remain the same." While this comment is quite true, we all know that the world around us is not the same. There are many great changes that have definitely made the world a better place to live. With new technology in business, people are able to communicate better and work more efficiently. There is no denying that the technology in hospitals have increased health care. A hundred years ago, people were dying from simply fevers and viruses. Now, we have medicine that instantly rids these nuisances from our body, and we can even detect health problems in the mother's womb. It is amazing how much better the world is because of these innovations.

One disturbing thing the video mentioned, however, is that the school was the one thing that had remained the same. Like the rest of the world, the school should be introducing technology and teaching the students how to operate the devices. While the basic curriculum will most likely be similar, the way teachers instruct and deliver the information can be better. I came from a high school that had computers, dry erase boards, and maybe two smart-boards. I then proceeded to go to a community college where some of the classrooms had smart-boards; however, many of the rooms also had simple chalk boards. The library did have computers with Internet access. I am now attending USA, and I was quite surprised to find that all the classrooms have chalk boards, and hardly any have smart-boards. While education, like all other fields, is changing immensely, technology should be promoted and used to better enhance the learning environment. If the school, which is the foundation, remains the same, how will any of us truly grow and experience the great discoveries of the world?

Creativity in Schools

Ken Robinson makes an extremely strong and valid point about the education system. I completely agree with his theory, and knowing that creativity is being destroyed in school, I also believe the Arts should flourish once more. I think it is quite degrading to artists when the education world views them as inferior to the "normal" students. Without creative minds, the world would be a very dull, mundane place to live. Although art is required in the school, I believe students should be given more opportunities to grow in their gifts. From a young age, art, dance, and music should all be integrated into the typical daily schedule. These type of classes cause the students to think for themselves and go beyond the set curriculum; they allow the students to discover their own abilities and enable creativity to emerge.

I loved the example given about Jillian, the choreographer. There are so many children like Jillian who have learning disabilities; however, they succeed in music, art, dance, and even sports. Not all children learn the same way, and each child should be given an equal opportunity to explore the endless possibilities of learning. I, myself, was told that I had a learning disability in the first grade. I now excel in soccer and love art. While I do enjoy the basic core classes, I always look forward in using my creativity to enhance school projects and create new things, whether it is through words or art. I hope that the school goes back to incorporating more art into the curriculum and allow students to embrace their creativity.

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

I think Vicki Davis has done an amazing job incorporating technology in the rural area of Georgia. I, myself, came from a small town, and it is difficult when we do not get to experience new technology. I had no idea that schools were so connected with the web. It amazes me that young students are learning for themselves and even teaching the instructor new things. My computer courses in middle and high school simply taught basic computer knowledge. I have already been learning many new things, and this video has given me hope for the future.

When I see young people interacting on the web, I want to become more technologically literate as well. I hope that when I become a teacher, I can use the web and technology to instruct my students and give them more ways to learn. I appreciate the hard work Mrs. Davis has done, and I have been inspired to consider new ways of teaching to make a bigger impact on my future students. I appreciate her hard work and the many websites she has created.


John Hadley Strange said...

"My mother still has trouble with her cellphone and the Internet. It makes her life much more difficult. ... I do sympathize with the older generations." Thank your for your sympathy. Seriously, why do you think your mother has trouble with her cellphone ad the Internet? You suggest that it is because you mother learned to work with her hands, not her brain. That mat be partially true, but I am sure there are other reasons. My wife didn't even know how to retrieve her messages on her cell phone. Then she declared she wanted an iPhone. I gave her my last year's model. And she has learned how to SMS message! I was surprised! Why did she learn? I think because of peer pressure. Over half of the members of her golf group have iPhones and she did not want to be left out. As a teacher I am very interested why people decide to work at learning. If I knew I would be a much better teacher!

Smartboards are useful (somewhat), but I think it is far more important for the learners to have a permanent connection to the cloud (Internet) where all information is in all places at all times (or close to it).

Wait until the connections start to happen in this class. It will not only be amazing but exciting, stimulating and filled with learning.

Wm Chamberlain said...

There are two reasons to learn, because you have to and because you want to. Which do you think is more motivating? If we could leverage school curriculum to be more of the latter our students would be much happier and learn more at school.