Friday, June 4, 2010


For all you book lovers out there, Shelfari is the site for books and readers. It is a place where you can add books that you want to read, are reading, and have read. You can join groups, add friends, and discuss your favorite books. I found this site through my RED 352 teacher, Dr. Tunks. She has required us to add books to our shelves as we go through the class. I absolutely love literature, so I have already added over 50 books that I have read and loved. I have also added a widget to my blog. You can either click on it, which is located to the left, or click here.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Adding Important Links to Your Blog


You can now embed your wordle directly into your blog. Simply publish your wordle and then you will be given an embed code. Copy this code in a new post, and the wordle should appear.

Alt= and Title= tags for the deaf and blind

Written Instructions

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Instructions for Purchasing Foliotek

Purchasing Foliotek:

1.) Go to
2.) Select USA Online, located in the bottom right corner of the window.
3.) Select ePortfolio, located in the center of the top of the window.
4.) After clicking ePortfolio, a new page will appear the allows you to purchase or extend your license. Select okay.
5.) Fill out your billing information and PRESTO! You're done.

A video is available on Anthony Capp's Blog

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

HTML Code for "Contact Me" Section

Double click video to view it in another window, or click the link below.

HTML Code Video